Classes held at Northgate Health Club:

  • Parkinson's Wellness and Recovery
  • HEAL Health Coaching

Go to to learn more about membership and attended our hosted classes there for free with your paid membership.

Classes held at EA and Wheelchair Basketball:

To get started, click on the Login/Register words on the right side below.  You can view class times and dates below but you must register with your email and agree to our waiver to get class description details, view the full the calendar, purchase a membership, or sign up for a class or camp. One time events and camps are listed under Courses.

You can also call our office at 507-259-7570 or CONTACT US if you would like to not sign up online and register in person.

You can also view our Class Catalog to check class and camp dates and times prior to registering.

Financial note: EA works with county case managers through the MN 245D HCBS Program to accept waiver payments or service agreements for all programs. Financial assistance is available based on need. Please inquire with our office to complete a financial assistance request form.

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